Global Immunizaton

Boost Community

A global community where immunization professionals connect, learn and lead.


The Boost Community supports more than 5,000 Immunization professionals around the world.


Boost has a diverse membership, including individuals from 158+ countries.


Boost has hosted over 400 learning opportunities since our launch in January 2020.

Boost Community Initiatives

Immunization professionals shoulder many responsibilities, from procuring vaccines to monitoring safety. Our Boost Community provides a platform for immunization professionals around the world to connect with peers and access resources and trainings to enable them to grow in their careers.

Boost Flagship Fellowship Program

Established in 2021, Boost’s Flagship Fellowship, co-led by People Power Health and Adaptive Change Advisors, takes place in two parts: the first is focused on building, developing and deepening the cohort’s leadership skills for advocacy and community organizing and the second is focused on mastering adaptive leadership skills. The inaugural cohort had 20 graduates, with each participant developing the capacity to deliver their own trainings to the Boost Community. Boost will continue to train and support these individuals while welcoming new cohorts on an annual basis.

COVID-19 Recovery for Routine Immunization Programs Fellowship

Launched in May 2022 in response to disruptions caused by COVID-19, the COVID-19 Recovery for Routine Immunization Programs Fellowship — part of WHO’s “Big Catch-Up” initiative — aims to rebuild routine immunization by strengthening the capacity of national and sub-national staff to lead recovery efforts and address missed vaccinations.

COVID-19 Listening & Learning Series

Sabin launched a listening and learning series in March 2021 that provides a platform for immunization professionals as well as others involved in vaccine delivery to share their perspectives on COVID-19 vaccine introduction and vaccination in this crisis situation. We are particularly listening for what has and has not worked, common challenges, transferable lessons learned and recommendations from the COVID-19 experience, with the intent that these lessons be used to strengthen vaccine delivery in both normal and crisis situations in the future. This listening series and a complementary podcast seek to enable more effective and efficient vaccine introduction by sharing tools and processes shown to work.

Bright Spots

Bright Spots is a storytelling initiative that highlights grassroots-driven process improvement in routine immunization service delivery at the sub-national level. The Bright Spots initiative serves as a means to continuously share, learn and discuss innovation, provide immunization staff with an opportunity to showcase their innovations and work together to discover new ways of doing things.

Featured Boost Partners

The BCL Institute Logo JSI Logo Adaptive Change Advisors logo