A Decade of Sustainable Immunization Financing

Vaccines are an essential public good that governments provide to their citizens. Vaccine costs are rising, often faster than public immunization budgets are expanding. Many countries currently eligible for financial support from Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, are graduating or will soon graduate from this support. These countries must therefore depend on domestic sources to maintain or improve their immunization programs.
From 2008 to 2018, Sabin’s Sustainable Immunization Financing (SIF) Program worked closely with national leaders in 23 low- and middle-income countries in Africa, Asia and Eastern Europe to help establish and secure national immunization budgets and find domestic funding solutions that would ensure reliable financing for immunization for decades to come. During the SIF Program, countries passed laws to create and protect financing for immunization, founded advocacy networks to ensure immunization is a national priority, and successfully established, defended or expanded national and local immunization budgets.
“A Decade of Sustainable Immunization Financing” catalogs the methods, accomplishments and lessons learned over the course of this program to inform other countries embarking on the important road to country ownership of their immunization programs.