A Timely Plan for Ending Cervical Cancer
Just before World Cancer Day comes somber findings from a new survey by the World Health Organization that cancer rates globally are increasing and that so many across the globe struggle to afford treatment and palliative care. Cervical cancer is identified as the number one cancer for women in 25 countries, mostly in sub-Saharan Africa, highlighting inequities in access to healthcare that make such a difference in survival.
The trends lend increasing urgency to the global effort to prevent human papillomavirus (HPV), the primary cause of cervical cancer, and to end cervical cancer. Not only is it the first time ever that the world is united to eliminate a cancer, but the campaign to end this cancer is a positive step in building and solidifying the social and clinical infrastructure that sets the stage for wider cancer screening and treatment.
Nursing Now Challenge and The Burdett Trust for Nursing are thrilled to be on the stellar list of partners on the #GlobalHPVConsortium
– The Burdett Trust for Nursing
The new Action Plan from the Global HPV Consortium provides a template for accelerating this progress. With 90% of cervical cancer deaths in low- and middle-income countries, the effort to support HPV prevention, along with secondary prevention screening and treatment, brings critical care innovations together with creative vaccination and education approaches directly to the countries carrying the highest cancer burdens. Most importantly, it brings a transdisciplinary lens to propel needed progress.
The inspiring Action Plan is out, accelerating the fight against #HPV and #CervicalCancer. ideSHi is honored to be a partner of this great work.
– The Institute for Developing Science and Health Initiatives (ideSHi)
This Plan is a blueprint for audacious endeavors and places those closest to the problem at the heart of engineering solutions. It imbues community-led interventions with fresh meaning by entwining on-the-ground service providers with research and resources at subnational, national, and global levels, integrating public and private efforts, and providing holistic strategies for countries.
Sabin serves as Secretariat for the Global HPV Consortium, which is powered by an unconventional set of allies and abundant audacity. The growing list of partners has doubled since its September launch, increasing the Consortium’s strength and scope daily. The goal: to maximize the reach and cross-collaborations that will amplify messaging, outreach, access and advocacy for cancer elimination.
…When I first heard about this Consortium and learned about the four pillars of equity, integration, localization, and sustainability, it just really jumped out at me how important this Consortium would be for sharing practices that work.
– Dennis Walto, MA, Chiricahua Community Health Centers
The enthusiasm of Consortium partners and participants is catching attention as they bring the Action Plan to life. Increasing evidence, such as the study out of Scotland last month that found zero cases of cervical cancer in girls who received the HPV vaccine at ages 12 and 13, shows we have tools and knowledge to stop this disease. A critical opportunity – and a first step in a broader effort to halt the predicted increases.

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