Episode 8: Reshaping Vaccine R&D for Pandemic Prevention

The vaccine R&D community moved quickly to fight the COVID-19 emergency. But can it remake itself in ‘peacetime’ to stop the next pandemic threat?
Vaccine experts: Reshape R&D pipeline to prevent pandemics
Another—maybe worse—pandemic awaits us if we lapse into complacency once COVID-19 abates. Averting future crises requires sustained funding and a globally coordinated “peacetime” effort to thwart emerging infectious diseases and the ever-present threat of influenza. Learn how the COVID-19 experience has inspired scientists, economists, pharmaceutical manufacturers, health policy analysts and decision makers to re-imagine the global vaccine R&D ecosystem for pandemic prevention.
Featuring Swati Gupta, Gagandeep Kang, Gerald Keusch, Andrew Lo, John Nkengasong, Kanta Subbarao and Patrick Tippoo.
Read our latest article, “Vaccine experts: Reshape R&D pipeline to prevent pandemics“, with Nature Research Custom Media for more expert insights: