Introducing the Vaccination Acceptance Research Network (VARN) Online Community
We are excited to share that we have launched the Vaccination Acceptance Research Network (VARN) Online Community through a dedicated learning group on the Boost Community platform!
In 2019, Sabin stood up the VARN, and it has since expanded to over 850 members from more than 95 countries. As those of you who are already VARN members know, the VARN programing focuses on evidence-generation from both research and practice, and we invite anyone engaged in knowledge generation activities to join us!
The VARN Online Community will provide opportunities similar to those offered in the Boost Community including live engagement events, discussion forums, networking events, and more, but the offerings will be centered around research.
The VARN Online Community officially kicked off on November 21. The launch event provided an overview of VARN and a panel discussion on vaccination hot topics including strategies for reaching under-immunized and zero-dose populations; new vaccines and vaccine introductions and scale-up; and building climate-resistant, equitable, and sustainable immunization programs.
If you believe a community of researchers aligns with your work, we look forward to welcoming you to the VARN Online Community. We hope you will join us!
Watch the Launch Event
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