Vaccine Research & Development

Marburg Vaccine Development Program

Marburg virus disease is a serious and often deadly illness caused by a filovirus – the same family that also includes Ebola. With no licensed vaccine currently available, Sabin’s R&D program is advancing a chimpanzee-adenovirus type 3 (cAd3) vaccine to protect against this disease threat. Fatality rates for Marburg have ranged from 25 to 88% in past outbreaks. Sabin has supported outbreak response for Marburg outbreaks.

About Marburg

Lesser known than Ebola Zaire, Marburg is a member of the same Filoviridae virus family, commonly referred to as filoviruses. It can cause severe hemorrhagic fever in humans and non-human primates. No vaccine for Marburg has been licensed to date.

Marburg is transmitted to humans by infected animals, particularly fruit bats. Once a human is infected, the virus can spread to others through close personal contact or contact with bodily fluids. Isolation of infected people is currently the centerpiece of filovirus control.

Marburg was the first filovirus to be recognized in 1967 when a number of laboratory workers, including some in Marburg, Germany, developed hemorrhagic fever.

FAQ: About Marburg virus

Download: Marburg factsheet